Monday, December 29, 2008

There are Health Benefits of Coffee

Health Benefits Of Coffee

As a beverage, coffee has become the most popular drink in the world. Its stimulating effects have become one of its main selling points along with the rich aroma and distinct flavor that comes with every cup. Many people may not know it, but drinking coffee may bring with it some added health benefits. Here are just some of them.

Studies have pointed out that there are many Americans now who are overweight. Those who have this problem are at risk for Type 2 diabetes. A study by researchers at Harvard shows that consuming more than 6 cups a day can lower the chances by more than 54%. This may further increase by combining this with an exercise and a weight loss program.

There are also some new studies suggesting that coffee drinking may not lead to people suffering from high blood pressure over time. Although some studies have also shown that coffee may increase blood pressure in people already suffering from the common ailment, it hasn't been exactly pinpointed as the cause of the development of high blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure. At this point, the influence of coffee in the cardiovascular effects in the body may require some more intensive study and research.

Research has also proven that coffee contains certain antioxidants that may be beneficial for the body. It can help people who are depressed by sending signals to the brain that will make them feel good just like eating a bar of chocolate, gum or ice cream.

People know that coffee can help make them mentally alert. If this is consumed moderately, it is possible to stop a headache, make one feel good and even prevent cavities, which just goes to show that the individual has to do more than just brushing and flossing to take care of the teeth.

Coffee may help in increasing mental alertness as well as prolong ones waking hours. Drinking coffee may also help in improving short-term memory. Some substances in coffee may also help increase the effectiveness of certain migraine medication. 

Although coffee may have these health benefits and more, drinking it in moderation may still apply. Drinking too much coffee regularly may also pose some possible health risks that may include insomnia and increased incidence of irritability and anxiety. Too much coffee may cause heartburn as well as indigestion. 

These are just some of the health risks that can be caused by drinking too much of the popular stimulant. Moderation is the wise option in most indulgences. This also holds true to drinking coffee.

To get additional information on coffee go to French Press Coffee also go to Organic Kona Coffee