With the millions of coffee drinkers worldwide there is a rise in demand for not only organic coffee but also for organic Kona coffee. Many coffee growers have discovered alternative and safe ways to improve the growing process. They now use organic fertilizer and other earth friendly ideas to enhance and protect their plants.
Organic coffee - what is it exactly? This is coffee that is grown without using enhancement chemicals. It has been done that way since time before chemical companies intruded. Farmers plant the seeds, irrigate the roots and let the sun do the rest.
Natural and organic are not interchangeable. Other truthful claims, such as free-range, hormone-free, and natural, can still appear on food labels. However, don't confuse these terms with "organic." Only food labeled "organic" has been certified as meeting USDA organic standards.
By choosing organic flavored coffee, even though it may cost a bit more, it is a simple extension of your personal beliefs that everything we do should help, rather than harm, the world in which we live.
Organic Kona coffee, like other organic or all natural foods, is sold in an entirely different section of your local supermarket. This type of coffee is sold in caffeinated and decaffeinated as well as flavored with vanilla, chocolate hazelnut or anything else you can think of that regular coffee comes in. Organic flavored coffee (like other all-natural products) must contain a seal indicating it is, in fact, organic. This is an FDA classification and cannot be overlooked.
For us, high quality extends beyond the excellence of our roasts. It includes high quality in the growing and methods of farming, and fair and respectful treatment of those who grow our fine coffee. By supporting Fair Trade Certified products provides an additional opportunity for us and our customers to have a meaningful impact on the working and living conditions faced by many who grow, harvest and process coffee throughout the world.
Organic coffee prices will go down over the next few years, analysts predict. This is made possible by the crop rotation practices mentioned earlier by avoiding using fertilizers and pesticides.
The use of organic coffee or other products will not allow you to live longer, that is a guarantee that cannot be made. These organic products can help you live healthier lifestyles. Healthier lifestyles can lead to longer life. So the next time that you are in the grocery store or other large food center look at all of the organic food you can buy and realize that you can be feeling better and living a healthier, more enriching life than you were before switching from non-organic foods to organic.
To get more info on coffee go to Flavored Coffee Beans